Switch to MatrixGold
frequently asked Questions

Do I have to pay full price for MatrixGold software?
If you are the primary owner of Matrix 7/8/9 or RhinoGold 5/6, you qualify for MatrixGold Transition Pricing , which includes a significant discount.
What are MatrixGold Transition prices (transitional prices)?
MatrixGold Transition Pricing allows license owners of previous versions to purchase MatrixGold at special prices and benefit from the innovation and technology in the current version of MatrixGold.
With MatrixGold Transition Pricing, we intend to build stronger partnerships with our loyal customers around the world, giving them access to the latest tools and technical support when needed.
How can I benefit from MatrixGold transition prices?
If you are from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, contact your official dealer here.
+49 7044 9017694
Can I continue to use my old license if I switch to MatrixGold?
Yes, you can continue to use your Matrix or RhinoGold software.
Are Matrix files compatible with MatrixGold?
Matrix and RhinoGold files are .3dm files. Since MatrixGold is integrated in the latest Rhinoceros release, you can import any Matrix or RhinoGold file into MatrixGold. From MatrixGold you can use "gems" feature use, so MatrixGold will use the imported stones recognizes. Users can also import their profile libraries to continue using any profiles they've used in Matrix over the years.
Can I import Matrix/Rhinogold files into MatrixGold to continue the design process?
You can easily import your old files into MatrixGold. You will still keep all profiles, curves and geometries from your old files once imported into MatrixGold. From there you can use the MatrixGold tools and workflows to make changes to your files.
What are the benefits of MatrixGold?
A major strength that MatrixGold offers is the use of parametric history. This new feature is the power behind the scenes that tracks all your steps in the design process and allows for changes at each stage. What used to take minutes and sometimes hours in Matrix and RhinoGold now takes seconds!
Where can I learn more about MatrixGold before buying?
Request a personal individual software demonstration here.
The presentation is of course free of charge for you
What are the system requirements to run MatrixGold?
Learn more about the MatrixGold system requirements here.
Is there a MatrixGold training program focused on training ex-Matrix users?
Yes, design engineering GmbH 's education team offers a wide variety of courses that have been carefully selected to help you have a smooth transition to MatrixGold. From one-hour individual training (billed 1/4 hourly) to multi-day courses, design engineering Erdei GmbH offers everything you need to start your journey with MatrixGold.

Matrix < = > MatrixGold


MatrixGold Objekt zentrieren / move object to center

MGatrixGold Armband / bracelet

MatrixGold Ohrhänger / earings

MatrixGold; Stützen für 3D Druck / supports for 3D printing

MatrixGold, Clayoo amazing Emboss & Sculpt

MatrixGold, Stotzen für die Fertigung anpassen

MatrixGold, parametric bypass ring

MatrixGold, Split Shank parametric tool


Ring Pavee von der Idee zum Produkt

Private video

MatrixGold Anzeige Gewicht / show weight

MatrixGold Ringgrößen ändern / ring ressizer



MatrixGold Fassung mit Parametrik

MatrixGold, Stein Hilfslinien / gem guides

MatrixGold Parametrisierter Siegelring

MatrixGold ByPass Ring

Profile Placer Bug 02

MG Bug Content Manager
